In this fifteen minute interview, Kristy Grant-Hart (Managing Director, Spark Compliance Consulting) answers a number of questions pertaining to her recent book How to Be a Wildly Effective Compliance Officer. Kristy talks about her journey from a career in TV to compliance executive, where, as the Chief Compliance officer for United International Pictures, she traveled to over forty-three countries, which formed the basis of much of her perspective which she shares in her book. In this Q & A, Kristy addresses:
How compliance is there to help people succeed in their work.
How to get compliance personnel on “team business” and those on the front-lines on “team compliance.”
How to understand the difference between “named power” and “covert power,” and how covert power sources can help compliance to get the message to the field.
How to engage field personnel to embrace that being on “team compliance” is cool!
How to look at “desk artifacts” and to hear “what’s happening at the water cooler” as the basis for understanding people and to become a trusted source of support.
How to use the power of vulnerability.
As Kristy summarizes, the ultimate goal for a compliance officer is to be more than a “friendly policeman,” but to get those at the business level to understand that compliance is “in this with you.”